Sliding-scale payment plans are always available. Payment plans are revisited every three months. Email Mallory Woods at [email protected] to arrange a sliding-scale payment plan or book a consultation.
Missed sessions or sessions that are cancelled within 24 hours of the scheduled/agreed upon time will not be refunded. Unattended session time is not refunded.
Gifts are appreciated for their sentiments, however, they are not accepted. Thank you for understanding.
Please email Mallory at [email protected] if, at any point, there is an opportunity to make coaching more comfortable, feasible, accessable, or enjoyable for you.
*Disclaimer – the services & sessions offered by Mallory Woods are not intended to replace additional medical attention for physical, emotional, or mental concerns.
Mallory Woods Youth Coaching was formerly branded as Into the Woods Coaching.
Mallory Woods uses they/them pronouns and the gender neutral honorific Mx. (pronounced Mix).
Mallory Woods is a supporter of the LGBTQ+, Queer, BIPOC
, Neurodiverse, Trans, and Disabled communities. Mallory Woods is a supporter of:
- the Black Lives Matter movement - decolonizing mentalities, spaces and society - protecting our trans and queer communities - sex equality - gender equality - decentralizing Eurocentric histories, narratives, and experiences Your gender identity, ethnicity, sexuality, gender expression, body, religion, tears (both happy and sad), culture, experiences, and sensory/bodily needs are safe to have and express during sessions and on all Mallory Woods Youth Coaching platforms should you feel comfortable.